Night at the Cemetry
Daintily I step over the worn out rock and wince
At the crunch of dead withering leaves beneath
The wrought iron gate creaks and sings
The eerie, piercing music of the land of death
The full moon glides over the overgrown tombs
I step into a mysterious and unkempt land
Mausoleums interwoven with grass and gloom
A chill breeze winds through my hair’s every strand
Out of nowhere, a rush of pitch black strikes
I feel the ground rush up to swallow me whole
Heart pounding I open my eyes and spy
The bats that had sent my heart intro drum roll
Gulping I rally and rise up to face my nightmare
When I feel a soft touch on my trembling foot
I am rooted as I feel my heart sink in despair
I looked down and sighed in relief as I understood
A black furry cat, purring and arching against me
And then it looked up with eyes of liquid emerald
Glowing against the velvety black in a wordless plea
Heart melting I bend to pet. But Lo and Behold!!!
My hand passes right through the ephemeral vision
I flee for dear life with my heart in my mouth
Never turning back, never stopping, on a mission
To find safety, sanity and redemption from doubt.